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Eulogizing David Lynch

This weekend I spent time reflecting and appreciating a unique man. It inspired to me make a short video using the visual tools and techniques I’ve been exploring lately. It’s only my second one. And it stills feels more like a sketch rather than a fully realized thing. Anyway… 

There are so many people expressing their appreciation for the uncanny auteur, David Lynch, who recently left the world of the living. While I’m not a diehard fan of his films, I am a huge fan of the man, the character and the teacher, that was David Lynch. He represented having strong artistic convictions. He advocated for using your intuition to fabricate work through whatever medium befits the idea. It is heartwarming to see how many lives he touched since his art did not typically have the level financial backing and marketing of Hollywood blockbusters. While his movies often revealed the absurd, bizarre and dark side of things, he expressed that to do your best work, you need to lead with kindness. He will be missed. But he gave us so much to ponder during the time he lived. He is an inspiration for artists of all kinds.